
Solon (Greek: Σόλων; c. 630 – c. 560 BC)[1] was an archaic Athenian statesman, lawmaker, political philosopher, and poet. He is one of the Seven Sages of Greece and credited with laying the foundations for Athenian democracy.[2][3][4] Solon's efforts to legislate against political, economic and moral decline[5] resulted in his constitutional reform overturning most of Draco's laws.


ペイシストラトスギリシャ語: Πεισίστρατος, ラテン文字転写: Peisistratos、紀元前6世紀頃 – 紀元前527年)は、古代アテナイの貴族で僭主七賢人の一人ソロンの友人であったが、政治思想では対立し、彼を亡命に追いやった。


Persian War

The Delian League was a confederacy of Greek city-states, numbering between 150 and 330,[1] founded in 478 BC[2] under the leadership (hegemony) of Athens, whose purpose was to continue fighting the Persian Empire after the Greek victory in the Battle of Plataea at the end of the Second Persian invasion of Greece.[3] The League functioned as a dual –offensive and defensive– alliance (symmachia) of autonomous states, similar to its rival association, the Peloponnesian League.[[4]]("The_allies_were_autonomous_and_the_alliance_was_a_''symmachia''_(defensive/offensive_alliance)against_Persia%5B...%5D_It_was_a_dual_alliance_similar_to_the_Peloponnesian_League._Athens_was_acknowledged_hegemon_of_the_League%22-4)


Pericles (/ˈpɛrɪkliːz/, Greek: Περικλῆς; c. 495 – 429 BC) was a Greek politician and general during the Golden Age of Athens. He was prominent and influential in Ancient Athenian politics, particularly between the Greco-Persian Wars and the Peloponnesian War, and was acclaimed by Thucydides, a contemporary historian, as "the first citizen of Athens".[1] Pericles turned the Delian League into an Athenian empire and led his countrymen during the first two years of the Peloponnesian War. The period during which he led Athens, roughly from 461 to 429 BC, is sometimes known as the "Age of Pericles", but the period thus denoted can include times as early as the Persian Wars or as late as the following century.


Greek culture

ホメーロス古代ギリシャ語: Ὅμηρος、Hómēros、: Homerus、: Homer)は、紀元前8世紀末のアオイドス吟遊詩人)であったとされる人物を指す。ホメロス、あるいは現代語式の発音でオミロスとも。西洋文学最初期の2つの作品、『イーリアス』と『オデュッセイア』の作者と考えられている。


ヘーシオドス (: Ἡσίοδος, Hēsíodos) は、古代ギリシアの叙事詩人。紀元前700年頃に活動したと推定される。『神統記』や『仕事と日』(仕事と日々)の作者として知られる。(ヘシオドス)



サッポー古代ギリシア語アッティカ方言 (en) : Σαπφώ / Sapphō、紀元前7世紀末 – 紀元前6世紀初)は、古代ギリシアの女性詩人である。

出身地レスボス島で用いられたアイオリス方言 (en) ではプサッパ(Ψάπφα / Psappha)あるいはプサッポー(Ψάπφω / Psappho)と呼ばれる[1]:134。名はサッフォー: Sappho)とも表記される。